Ye Dumped in the hope that Thomas is really good, because the better Thomas is, the more he will pull him into the team, and the strength of the team will also rise by a big margin.

"Come on, who’s afraid of who!" Ye Qing rushed out from the base after typing.
He jumped out of the box behind the box and observed the position of Thomas. As a result, he found that the guy was still in the same position just now, so he confidently flashed out from the left side.
When he flashed out, he took advantage of the opportunity to show his posture. Just after one shot, he found that his body had fallen backwards. The sniper rifle looked at the screen dully and with a long leaf. It was a turn of events. Just now, Thomas was killed by him, and now he is killed by Thomas.
"It’s true that your gun is fast and you must have some ability to keep fighting. Kill four people and I’ll see how many people I’ll lose!" Ye Qing typing to Thomas way
"Well, I also want to see how many kills I can win from professional players!" Thomas kept his arrogance.
Ye Qing moved his posture more flexibly and quickly after he rushed out of the base. His slender fingers were beating fast on the keyboard as if playing the piano. At this time, his posture was running to the extreme, and almost there was a ghosting. Thomas was shocked to see this scene.
"This posture is too weird!" Thomas sighed in his mind that he had never seen such a strange posture that he gave birth to a feeling of aiming at the fact that he really shot Ye with his feeling, and his posture was flexible enough to lock other methods.
At the same time, the leaf leaning method was running at a high altitude and fired several shots very accurately. Thomas was stunned for a moment, which caused him to be pierced by the leaf leaning bullet. He felt very incredible. How could anyone have such a fast posture and there was no way to predict it? He couldn’t hit a shot by feeling.
Thomas rushed out again. This time, he shot at the mirror so as to minimize his exposure to the air. Thomas shot at the head by the other side. In the melee, the gun speed was extremely fast, but the hit rate was as high as 10%. That is to say, he can kill people with less than ten shots. This kind of shot rate is already very scary.
The killing rate of those instantaneous mirrors in the video is 100% false, either plug-in or editing Thomas. This shot of the instantaneous mirror hit Ye Qing’s thigh, of course, not the root of the thigh but the middle of the thigh, which seriously injured Ye Qing.
Ye Qing didn’t expect that he would run his posture to the extreme, and the other party could still hit him. He couldn’t help but admire Thomas’ marksmanship. He didn’t go back to avoid it, but continued to maintain his posture. Thomas briefly flashed behind the bunker, followed by a second shot, which was still an instantaneous mirror.
This shot still failed to hit Ye Qing’s left leg and knee, but the two injuries added up to Ye Qing’s death. Ye Qing was very excited to rush out from the base again. Thomas sniper rifle method was really something. He was very happy to see that Huang Qiusheng was going to send a show.
Thomas retreated to the back of the bunker, wiped a sweat on his forehead and said to himself, "It’s really fucking stressful. It’s the first time I’m so nervous. This guy’s posture is too difficult to deal with. I can rely on the instantaneous mirror to strike many times."
Chapter 461 Extraordinary strength Thomas
Ye Qing and Thomas played very fast because they both fought in the middle of the road and didn’t hide around. Almost all of them met each other and someone died. Soon, they filled 40 people, and Thomas was slightly better.
4 to 37, Thomas won three kills. Ye Ye said to Thomas very respectfully, "You really have some ability to beat me in one-on-one combat, so I am qualified to be called a top sniper."
"Now you? Now you can’t find your opponent in the first district of Sichuan? " Thomas asks.
Ye Qing couldn’t help but smile when he saw his typing, and quickly replied, "No, I dare not say so. Among amateurs, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is even worse. There is also a gun god like K in Sichuan District, but now I can’t be easily defeated. I still have this confidence."
"You are so confident. I said that my strength can compete with the sniper and 7kg!" Thomas is very proud tunnel
"Dude, you are more confident than me. You are sitting on the scene watching the match between Sniper God and 7kg. You really feel that they are powerful. You can only feel me when you play against them. To be honest, you still have a gap with them. It is impossible to compete with them!" Ye Qing is not giving a face tunnel.
Thomas saw the words typed by Ye Qing and immediately became anxious and busy. "Your view is too one-sided. I haven’t played against them yet. Is it too early for you to draw a conclusion?" You and I beat you three times, so you can look down on me? I just let you go again. I won’t let you this time. It’s no problem to win your twenty heads! "
Ye Qing saw Thomas’ anxious eyes and said, "I’m not coming. Well, I admit that you are very good. Are you interested in joining a professional team to play?"
"Of course, I’m interested in wearing a team to play in the highly anticipated game. Is there anything cooler than this? Damn it, you don’t want me to join your team, do you? " Thomas asked.
Ye Qing saw that Thomas was interested, and he quickly said, "It would be better if you could join our team. If you don’t want to, I don’t want to see your own wishes. Our team really needs a sniper now."
Thomas hesitated. "Did your team get any place in this competition?"
"Our team didn’t get any rankings because you are still picky, but we are rarely qualified to participate in this level of competition!" Leaf tilt is very depressed tunnel
"Dude, don’t get excited. I’m just asking. I really want to be a professional player, but I don’t want to join a weak team. The starting point is too low. I don’t know when I can win the championship. If I join a strong team, my ability will add strength to my teammates. I don’t want to win the championship in a long time. Can you understand my mood?" Thomas explained.
"Well, I can understand the situation of our team. It’s not convenient for me to tell you, but there is a great chance to win the championship if you join in. Do you think my strength can help you?" After Ye Qing said these words, he suddenly felt that he was not so demagogic. He was not as cunning as Huang Qiusheng, and Huang Qiusheng had to go out to do such a thing!
"Your strength is not bad. If you talk to me, it is still impossible to win the championship. I don’t want the tide to go down. I still have a real job now," Thomas replied
"Of course there won’t be you and me. Our team is planning to deploy stronger players to make the team a super team. What are you doing now?" Ye Qing asked
"Being an actor … is what you often say! You know I have the advantage of having a foreigner’s face. I often play the role of priest and have lines! Unfortunately, it has never been famous, but I believe that one day, "Thomas replied."
Ye Qing didn’t expect Thomas to be a walk-on. Now many crews need foreigners to act, but there are some communication problems. With a fake foreigner who speaks Chinese so well, there are many things left. So Thomas should still be very popular with those crews who make war movies.
"Since you have such a great job, I won’t delay your future. You’d better continue filming. You should have no future if you play F," said Ye Qing.
This is a typical provocation, but Thomas still eats this set. He immediately said, "What do you mean I have no future in playing F? I still have a future playing F. Am I not as good as a professional now? Tell the truth, am I worse than a professional player? "
"I admit that your strength has surpassed that of ordinary professional players, but it’s too ambitious for you to join a strong team as soon as you debut. Do you think those strong teams will be short of people? Besides, you don’t have access to high-level people of strong teams. "Ye Qing is very impolite to tunnel.
"What you said is also reasonable. Let me think about it again. Although I am very interested in my current job, it seems that the future is far away. I really want to wear a team to play games. I like the feeling of being looked up and I like being noticed."
"Then think about it. Let’s call it a day. Our team members will look for you. Then you can have a good talk with him. Personally, I hope you can be my teammate. It must be very interesting for us to fight side by side, and I can help you become a sniper like jr and make a name for yourself in the world!" Ye Qing will quit the game after typing this line.
Thomas, however, quickly typed a line, "Make the world famous? Dude, I have to admit that you said me! This * * * * I can’t resist it. When will your team come to see me? I have you at any time. Remember to give him my phone number. I will talk to him well. If the conditions are not bad, I think we will become teammates! "
"Although you can’t speak English, I always feel that your way of speaking is still a little westernized! But it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that you have to keep your mobile phone open every day. Don’t forget to charge it or not. "
"Don’t worry, I’ll wait 24 hours. What does the guy who is going to interview me look like? To tell you the truth, I’m an ugly appearance controller. I can’t accept that I can’t even talk as white as you when I see him. "
"I sent a man to talk to you. You still ask for looks. Are you fucking gay?" Ye Qing is very authentic
"I’m still a woman, but it’s too obscene for a boy to look at Shu. I didn’t talk to him either * * *!"
"He’s average-looking. He’ll talk to you on behalf of the team. What conditions can you ask him for? If he can promise, he will definitely promise you. If he can’t promise, say that our team won’t promise either."
"Okay, okay, I’m not demanding. I won’t make it difficult for him. That’s it, buddy. I’ll go and hit you first. Help yourself!" Thomas typed this line and left the room.
Ye Qing shook his head and felt that Thomas was a bit interesting. He also left the room and dropped the game directly. After closing his notes, he jumped from the bay window. Dong Laoer and Zhao Junzhu didn’t know when they had entered the room to do something loving.
After sitting on the coffee table in the living room, Ye Qing took a sip of water from his glass, then picked up the remote control and looked at him for a stretch. Then he got up and went to the lamp and reached for the lamp in the living room, which slowly touched into his room.
When he entered the room, he remembered that Big Honey was still asleep in his own bed, and that Big Honey was drunk. He was not a dangerous person. He would never do something to her while Big Honey was drunk. He thought for a moment and felt that it was better for him to sleep on the sofa. If he didn’t ask Big Honey for permission, he would sleep with her directly. It is estimated that Big Honey will rush into the kitchen and grab a kitchen knife to chase him a few blocks the next morning when he wakes up.
When he was about to go out, he heard Dami talking in his sleep or drunk. He was always talking, "Hit him and hit him in the head! He will be left alone soon. If you kill him, we will be champions! "
Ye listened to Da Mi’s dream and wanted the team to win the championship. She was very moved and distressed at the same time. She was really under great pressure. A large part of it was caused by Ye Qing. He went to the bed and bent down to kiss Da Mi’s face. He held Da Mi’s hand in a low tunnel. "Honey, don’t worry about it any more. After a good sleep, all these things will be borne by me. The championship will belong to us sooner or later!"
With that, Ye Qing put the big honey hand in the quilt, and then got up and walked out of the room. There was no drama in which the heroine suddenly grabbed the hero’s hand and shouted, "Don’t go, don’t leave me." Then it happened naturally. The next day, the man opened his eyes and saw that the woman beside him had disappeared. After getting up, he saw two cups of milk on the dining table and the heroine was cooking fried eggs in the kitchen wearing a man’s shirt.
Ye Qing was not disappointed. He knew that it was not yet time for him to lie on the sofa and didn’t think much. He soon fell asleep. If Dong Laoer knew that he was still sleeping alone on the sofa in this situation, it is estimated that he would hate iron to produce.
Dong Laoer’s strategy to deal with women has always been to kill the wrong woman rather than let the beautiful woman go on the bed. What makes sense? Let’s talk about all the consequences first, and then think about them slowly after waking up, while Ye Qing is obviously much more calm.
Chapter 462 Quarrel
The next morning, Ye Qing rolled from the sofa to the ground. When he woke up, he opened his eyes and found that it was already dawn. Now, the team is not well organized, and the daily training is not in a hurry to go to the club. Besides, the boss of the club is still in his bed.
He rubbed his temples, then got up from the ground and took the cup. He first took a glass of water and drank two times, then pushed his door and went in. He saw that Da Mi was still lying in bed sleeping, and a pair of jade legs were exposed together, and her hair was scattered on the pillow.
Ye Qing went to the bed and shook her big honey gently. "Honey got up and it was dawn!" "
Big honey moved and then absently opened her eyes. She touched her head and said, "My head hurts."
Ye Qing knew that this was a symptom after a hangover. He shook his head and said, "You really told you to drink less. If you don’t believe that you are drunk, you know you feel sick. Let me get you a glass of water!"
After that, he went out of the room and brought a glass of water to Dami. Dami took the cup and drank it. Then she leaned against the bedside and straightened her hair. She looked at Ye Qing with blurred eyes and said, "Where am I?"
"You haven’t known where you are after a night’s sleep in my room?" Ye Qing is very authentic
Big honey looked at the room and the situation suddenly shrank into a ball in horror, then pulled it up and looked inside. Only then did she relax her temperament and asked, "You didn’t do anything to me, did you?"
"Then will you sleep with me at night?"
"I’m not sleeping on the sofa!"

Ye Qing twisted his neck and felt groggy. What he called tunnel "I know what’s the hurry. Just go first. Tell me the address. I’ll do it myself later. Anyway, I’m a substitute. It’s not my turn in the first game. You play hard."

Dong Laoer heard the words and lowered his voice to Ye Qing. "The big boss didn’t see you break into a furious rage when he got up early. He kept asking me where you went, but where did I know? She didn’t believe me. She scolded me early in the morning. You came later and tried to explain it to the big boss yourself …"
"All right, I know, you go first and send the address text message to my mobile phone." Ye Qing said and hung up. He rubbed his temples, got out of bed and knocked on the door, and saw that there was no movement in the living room. He came out and found that Su Yanbing’s door was closed, obviously not getting up yet.
So he ran to the bathroom to wash his face, then went to the balcony to wash Su Yanbing and hang his clothes, then took off his pajamas and folded them on the sofa. After he got dressed, he hit the gate and went to the breakfast shop outside the community to buy breakfast and went back to the building.
The door was not left unlocked. After he went in, he put it on the dining table early, then went to Su Yanbing’s door and knocked on the door. There was no response at all. He knocked twice, and then there came a "Who?"
"It’s my Ye Qing that … I have something to go first. You’ll get up later. Remember to have breakfast. I’ll put it on the table and call me if you have something to do." Ye Qing cut the tunnel through the door to Su Yanbing with some lazy sounds. "Got it …"
Ye Qing turned around and walked out of the gate, then he quickly went downstairs and trotted back to his place. After entering the room, he went straight to the room and threw the keyboard bag to his back. When he was about to leave the room, he suddenly found that his room seemed a little different.
The bed sheets were so flat that almost no wrinkles were folded. They were neatly placed in the east and west of the bedside table. Ye leaned down and looked at the bed with his head on the ground. He found that those smelly socks at the bottom of the bed were missing, which surprised him. "It’s not too late to smoke that fellow with big honey, is it?" Did she lose her old socks? "
He hurried to the balcony and saw that the clothes rack was covered with socks and pants. Damn it! I washed my pants, too! ? Ye Qing was more surprised than surprised. If this is honey-dried, it’s incredible. It’s absolutely impossible for Dong Laoer. That guy is twice as lazy as Ye Qing. Even if he gives him 1 million estimates, he won’t start washing socks and pants.
Arguably, Big Honey is also a darling daughter, and it’s also a matter of making ends meet. It’s a little unreasonable to say that she can wash socks and pants. Ye Qing went back to her room to play in the closet and looked at the clothes neatly stacked inside. It’s time to hang them up. It’s not as messy as before.
Oh, I’ll go! This is cleaner and tidier than cleaning, or let her sleep here often! Leaves in love is very beautiful thinking.
After leaving the door, Ye Qing took a bus according to the address sent by Dong Laoer. In the past half an hour, he arrived at the competition site. The venue was a sports center room, basketball court, and there were many computers and desktop game consoles in the stands. Dozens of spectators were sitting sparsely, many of whom were lovers. They chatted while eating with food.
F project competition has been going on for a long time before I found a bench in the rest area of club I, and then put a box of mineral water on the floor. Dami and coach Zhang are both sitting on the bench. Mr. Wu estimates that he is still enjoying life in the club office. Since the quarrel with Dami, he is not in charge now.
Ye Qing walked over and said hello to the two men. Honey snorted and answered Ye Qing. He was not upset. He sat down beside coach Zhang and asked in a low voice, "What’s the situation?" Coach Zhang shook his head with a serious expression. "It’s not so good. Since you’re here, wait for the half-court."
Leaf leaning smell speech by surprise "isn’t it? This is only the first game. It’s not that unlucky to meet a strong team, is it? Who is the opponent? "
"Mianyang Xingjing!" Coach Zhang worried tunnel
"I haven’t heard of it. Is it a dark horse?" Ye Qing said, looking at the big screen and finding the I club, the two sides have already reached the half-court. In the sixth round, Xing Jing led by four to one. In the sixth round, Xing Jing also occupied the wind. There was only one person left in the I club, but Xing Jing still had four people who didn’t say this round. It must have been lost in suspense.
The map of the game was played by them when they were training, but it was almost vomited by their opponents. Coach Zhang was also a bit embarrassed. He told Ye Qing that the team called Star Race was a semi-professional team sponsored by Internet cafes.
Ye Qing’s smell speech was even more surprising. A semi-professional team beat the I club like a dog. At least the I club is also a professional team and has the strength of a special coach. Even a semi-professional team is like this! His heart is not dark scold a way "dong second this idiot is what to eat! Too embarrassing for me! "
Coach Zhang seemed to see what he was thinking and sighed, "Hey, there is a sniper on the other side who is very powerful. Dong Tiancheng has been suppressed so badly that he can’t give full play to his due strength. This game is not as simple as we thought. It is also very difficult to enter the semi-finals, but first of all, it is the elimination system. If we lose, we will pack up and go home. Although it is not the first time that we have been eliminated in the first round, it is up to you that the team will be disbanded if we fail to reach the goal of big honey!"
Ye Qing yawned and waved his hand. "Don’t rely on me. I really want to sleep now. I’m afraid I’ll fall asleep after playing."
"What did you do last night?" At this time, Dami’s tone was very unhappy. She looked at her with an aggressive expression. She was very unhappy. "After the training, when I was free, where did I go? I shouldn’t report to you?"
"Yes, it’s me, but your state has affected the game, so I have it! I’ll tell you something. Although neither the hs club nor the unyielding Rose S team participated in this competition, they focused on fpl, but a strong team participated! They are the Tiger Brotherhood Sniper Flag Team! So our team is sure to win the championship, so we can try to win the runner-up and several well-known strong teams have not participated. It would be a shame if we don’t get the runner-up, don’t you think? " Big honey looked at Ye Qing is very serious tunnel
"what! ? The Tiger Brothers also participated? What are they doing? Do you want to join in this small competition? " Leaf tilt for this matter some surprise.
"How do I know that I probably want to win one more championship and let the sniper come back early!" Big honey guessed that Ye Qing thought that big honey’s guess was very reasonable. The sniper said that he would come back to play after the Tiger Brothers won three championships, but he didn’t say what kind of championships he would win. Naturally, this kind of small competition champion is also included.
Indeed, this competition was bare-faced, and he insisted on signing up for it. He wanted to win three championships as soon as possible and then bring Master back, which was his wish. However, Jiang Yuhan was unable to get him to sign up, and the players supported him at that time and decided to win the Bashu Game Competition. They were determined to win.
"Depend! Two fists are hard to beat four hands! " Feeling very depressed, he was the last person left in Club I in the sixth round. He tried his best to play around, but he was chased by the other side and finally died in a disorderly gun.
Five-to-one-star competition will once again expand the score advantage. They are well prepared to participate in this competition. They have long planned to act as a dark horse, and they also plan to go straight to the finals in the seventh round. Another wave of rapid offensive in The Infiltrator directly tore up the I club’s defense line at point A and then kept it until the explosion.
At half time, the two sides scored 6-1, and the score gap was too big, which made Yuzryha think of the same big score gap in the Champions League game. It was only after he left the game at half time that the situation was reversed and finally succeeded.
Coach Zhang patted him on the shoulder and said, "It’s up to you at half time! Be sure to win, I believe you can! "
Ye Qing shook his head very naively. "Lao Zhang, you just like to give me a problem. Damn it, I dare not say that I can make a comeback and try my best. Six to one! I really think of me as a god! "
"What are you whining about? Go quickly. This is your chance to either smell death silently or make a blockbuster!" Big honey press a way
"That’s right, the hero will play to save the world! Uh … Wait, who am I going to change? " Ye Qing looked blankly at the two leaders, coach Zhang, and thought, "You go and change ibye."
"Coach, you really have an eye for people. You saw through that guy as soon as he was there. His presence is a burden. It’s best for him!" Ye Qing is very idle. Honey made a kick and shouted, "Get out of here! What nonsense!"
Ye Qing kowtowed to the ground and then walked behind ibye and patted him on the shoulder. ibye looked back and saw that it was Ye Qing. "What are you doing?"
Leaf tilt is very lewdly smiled to say with smile "nothing is to ask you to make way! Please move your ass and stay with me to see how I can save the world! "
Ibye was furious when he heard this, but it was not easy to get angry at this time. Then he packed his equipment and muttered to Ye when he left, "Little people succeed!" Ye Qing’s ears were sharp and he immediately heard him turn around and smiled. "You’re right. It’s better for me to be a villain than for some people to be frustrated."
"Hum!" Ibye snorted angrily and left the field with a smile. Then he greeted his teammates and reached out and clapped Dong Laoer tacitly.
Chapter ninety-one Victory in the first round