Chu Yi nodded slightly and was obviously very satisfied with the process of the new ship entering the water. Several shipyards were in charge. Chu Yi slowly said, "Master Lin, please ask how many such ships can the shipyard have in a year now?"

Hearing that Master Lin took a deep breath and said to Chu Yi, "If the report is abundant, the shipyard workers can make dozens of big boats a year."
When he said this, Master Lin’s face was somewhat proud. Obviously, he felt very proud of such achievements.
Chu Yi has not visited one shipyard or two shipyards, so he has a clear understanding of the shipyard’s ability.
This is a large shipyard located in Tianjinwei, which is big enough to rank among the top three. There are dozens of big ships a year for the shipyard, but Chu Yi feels a little slow.
Notice the change of Chu Yi’s look. Seeing Chu Yi’s frown, he is not very satisfied. Master Lin’s heart thumped and whispered, "But if you work overtime, the shipyard’s production capacity can almost rise by about 30%."
Dozens of big ships will be about a dozen if they are promoted by 30%, which is quite a lot.
At Master Lin, he heard Chu Yi-dao "May guarantee the quality of shipbuilding? If there is anything wrong with the quality of the ship, Wang definitely doesn’t mind cutting off a few more heads! "
Suddenly, several people in charge of Lin slammed into Chu Yi and kept kowtowing, "I dare not wait!"
With the wave, Chu Yi beat these people and didn’t say much. In recent years, Chu Yi still knows something about big officials.
When these officials do things, they can do it 100%, but many times they do it 90%. Few people can do their duty.
If it’s a newcomer, it’s natural that it’s not clear, but it’s clear, but it takes a beating to ensure that these officials do their best, instead of doing 90% of their best.
After seeing Chu Yi and his party leave, the first few officials in charge of Lin Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief. Chu Yi’s power was too strong. Although Chu Yi looked very young, when he really faced Chu Yi, they were able to feel the power that Chu Yi gave off.
At the end of the day, Chu Yi’s fierce name is too strong. Even if it is a high official and noble person, Chu Yi’s hands are nothing. It is not less than a dozen to be directly or be destroyed by Chu Yi’s property. If Chu Yi is willing, he can easily destroy all of them.
Master Lin took a look at the crowd and said with a wry smile, "Your general manager ordered us to come, and everyone heard it. The next Japanese official hopes that everyone can go all out to build as many bigger ships as possible."
Chu Yi said he didn’t know what happened after he left, but he could guess even if he didn’t see Chu Yi himself.
Chu Yi, who was away from the shipyard, rushed to repair a military camp several miles away from the east of Tianjin Weicheng, but Chu Yi specially trained navy soldiers and horses.
The original navy inspector was made by Cheng Xiangwu, but now Cheng Xiangwu is attacking the prairie with a great army, so there is no time to train the navy soldiers and horses.
However, more than 10,000 navy soldiers and horses recruited by Chu Yi were stationed in the capital. These soldiers and horses were recruited by Cheng Xiangwu to Fujian and Guangdong coastal poor areas, and they were innocent and proficient in water.
At the beginning, Cheng Xiangwu recruited nearly 30,000 soldiers and horses, but this does not mean that there will be no follow-up. According to Chu Yi’s command, Cheng Xiangwu left some personnel in Guangdong, Fujian and other places to recruit foot soldiers on a small scale.
Not long ago, a group of almost 3,000 new recruits entered the barracks, bringing the total number of newly renovated navy camps to more than 10 million.
Cheng Xiangwu is not Chu Yi, but he arranged for Xu Tianzuo to be personally responsible for army training.
When Chu Yi entered the military camp, a hot training scene came into Chu Yi’s sight.
Xu Tianzuo was born well, although he was not the first brother of the Xu family, but he was also able to get in touch with the Xu family’s learning.
Xu’s alien inherited from Xu Da, the king of Zhongshan, but that’s a great number of people who are handsome and talented, especially Xu Dabing
Throughout history, what kind of figures are those who can keep troops, such as Taigong Jiang Shangbing Sheng Sunwu and so on.
Xu Da’s ability to be a soldier and to be successful shows Xu Da’s attainments in the art of war.
The great seal sea crossed the ocean for many years and hundreds of years ago, but the vast navy team disappeared. In the past 100 years, it was not the former foot soldiers, even the former ships are now disappearing in the long river of time.
Now it’s only been more than a month since Chu Yi carried out the sea policy. Fishermen and people in coastal areas such as Guangdong and Fujian have sneaked out to sea in Haiyuan. As soon as it became legal, many private boats were able to see the light.
Chu Yi has established more than a dozen coastal shipping companies to manage coastal commerce and collect business taxes.
In the original Otsu, there were no merchants who could legally trade in the market, and several market companies were gradually abolished or had already lost their functions.
Nowadays, there are more than a dozen markets. Needless to say, it is the businessmen who are the most happy. This means that it is no longer illegal for them to go to sea for business. Similarly, it is also the businessmen who scold Chu Yi behind his back. At most, the business tax levied by Chu Yi has reached more than 15%.
Although the business tax is very small compared with the business profit, most of these businessmen are not willing to pay even a penny of tax, and what’s worse, 15% of the total business value.
For half a month after the establishment of the shipping company, I didn’t see how many ships would take the initiative to enter these shipping companies to stop, and then report to the shippers according to the procedures and pay the tax.
Huating county is the mouth of the Yangtze River, and it is also the future sea, and now it has shown its geographical advantages
Huating, the imperial court, set up Huating Shipping Department to manage Huating merchants’ business affairs at sea. However, for half a month since the establishment of Huating Shipping Department, no businessman went to Huating Shipping Department to report and pay taxes in parallel.
In a restaurant in Huating County, several wealthy businessmen dressed in exquisite silks and satins are gathering together to talk about it at the moment. One of them frowned and said, "Since the imperial court, a large number of people from Guangdong, Fujian and other places have joined the sea trade. In just half a month, the prices of silk, tea and porcelain we shipped overseas have fallen by almost more than 20%. If we go on like this, I am afraid our profits will be greatly reduced."
Big silk, tea and porcelain are the giants of overseas trade. With these terrible profits, a large number of maritime merchants have risen and huge amounts of silver have flowed in.
A merchant with a ruby-inlaid banzhi flashed a bit of hatred in his eyes. "Chu Yihai has caused our interests to suffer heavy losses, especially Chu Yi, who is simply crazy to swallow up fifteen percent of the business value in one gulp. It’s really worthy that a eunuch has money in his eyes."

In particular, Xu Jin’s caesarean section is far more harmful than natural delivery. She didn’t recover as quickly as Xia Lu, who was born so fast that she didn’t even have a side cut, and she could get into bed the next day.

But Xu Jin’s inkstone will not work. After a slight movement, the anesthesia bag will be invalid, and it will involve pain everywhere in the body.
Fu Jingxiao frowned.
"Nothing is a normal reaction. You should be clear about studying medicine yourself." Xu Jinyan saw that he was worried and had to appease him.
Medical knowledge and reality cannot be equated.
He just couldn’t hide her from a little pain, and at this time, an idea came into his mind.
Two other grandmothers came early. They were here early in the morning.
The door was touched, and all the bags were brought here.
"My mother, you go back to rest first. I’ll cover for you today after you were tired last night." Chen Jiaxue came to relieve the shift early in the morning.
Chapter one thousand one hundred and forty-four Fish balls with coarse noodles
Ms. Jiang shook her head. "I stopped crying after midnight. Did I rest in the lounge chair?"
"I have you to rest for me."
"I think you all go home. I’m really all right." Xia Lu can go to bed on her own. She knows that she is in a good position without a lateral incision, and the wound heals quickly.
Cheng Qing smiled. "Stop pushing around, you two. I’m here today. I’ll see."
"Okay, okay, let’s all go back and come back later." Chen Jiaxue replied.
Cheng Qing put something on Fu Jingxiao and said, "You got this inkstone to brush your teeth and wash your face. I brought dumplings and fish soup for her to eat. I’m a little hungry."
"Thank you, Mom." Thank you.
"Thank you, this is your dad who asked me to tell you that it’s hard for you. He can’t come to the hospital and let me give it to you first." Cheng Qingxian took a red envelope.
"No, this is not what I should do." Xu Jinyan likes to pay when he knows that Fu Shen expresses his feelings.
Fu Jingyun said, "Take it. You don’t know that he didn’t sleep until we got back last night."
"Really?" Xu Jinyan is too proud to know that her father-in-law is not that kind of indifferent person. Once she accepts his temper, she will find him particularly interesting.
"Yes, yes, I got up early in the morning to urge us." Fu Jingyun replied, "Let me see my little princess."
Fu Jingyun walked over to the small bed and picked up the little princess.
"Have you named it?" Fu Jingyun asked
Fu Jingxiao has been wiping Xu Jinyan’s face and gargling. Xu Jinyan replied, "Isn’t it nice to say that Ah Xiao can meet Fu Keyou?"
"You mean you are old?
How about public access? "Fu Jingyun a listen to the implication.
Xu Jin inkstone chuckled "yes"
"Will you buy his account?" Fu Jingyun took a cross look at Fu Jingxiao. "He’s so * * but it’s a pleasant name. Let his mother make the decision."
Xu Jinyan thought for a moment, "Didn’t we say anything before? You can choose dumplings and dumplings at will?"
"You are so casual."
"Feel free to feed. If you can meet the situation, it’s ok to call fish balls. Fish balls are also round, white and tender. I really hope she will raise white quickly and don’t be so ugly." Xu Jinyan looked at the child with red cheeks.
Xia Lu laughed. "Then you call it fish balls. Do we have to call it rough noodles to form P?"
"Have you thought about To Hoai Whale? What’s its name?" Xia Lu asked him energetically today.
To Hoai whale lamented that "it’s not yet. Just be casual. Be rough and not fine. You should take it from the name."
Aside Chen Jiaxue said, "Don’t rush him. When he goes to get a birth certificate, he will naturally bite the bullet and write a name."
"Cross the bridge when you come to it?" To Hoai whale waved his hand.
Just chatting about the name, Zhou Shiyu has come. Last night, it was too late to disturb them to rest. Today, I came to see the children after work.
"Are you working?" Fu Jingyun saw him coming and held the child in his arms.
"Well, I came just after the end." Zhou Shiyu heard from Fu Jingyun last night that the To Hoai whale gave birth to a son. Fu Jingxiao’s family is a daughter.
Just one son and one daughter.
"This is A Xiao and Jin Yan’s daughter named Fish Pill."
Is it called fish balls? "Cheng Qing surprised a.
"Yes, it’s good that it’s not the same as fish. It’s not special that too many people call the dumplings," said Fu Jingyun.
Fu Jingxiao twisted his eyebrows. "Why does my girl’s name fish ball sound so strange?"
"Fish balls are delicious. I like them." Xu Jinyan felt used to calling them two.
Fu Jingxiao looked down her eyes and nodded his head when he saw the smile on her mouth. "I’m glad you like it."
To Hoai whales spit at him, "Don’t you have any ideas?"
"Don’t you participate" Fu Jingxiao went back.
Zhou Shiyu picked up the small fish ball, "Different feelings with the baby."
It seems that every father has a great longing for his daughter. A small cotton-padded jacket at the tip of his heart is soft and waxy, which is a comparison with children’s methods. Although they are almost the same at birth, their psychological feelings are different.
"Yes, yes." To Hoai whales also leaned in to see it.
At this time, Fu Jingxiao’s bold eyes came to kill him. "It’s almost time to return it."
"Here comes the cheapskate" Fu Jingyun couldn’t help but smile.
"I have never been addicted to girls." Zhou Shiyu hugged it and returned it. "To be fair, I’m going to hug another nephew."

Clouds and floating dust have a surprised color flash and stare at Shen Ce’s face for a long time, always withdrawing his eyes and sighing.

Fu turned his eyes to Hong Qin and laughed. "Dean Hong, this white boy is your super seminary student?"
"Well, chasing the moon is the seventeenth year of this freshman." Hongqin’s face is full of pride and pride. He is a disciple who has a fancy for someone. The apprentice’s eyes are really good. It seems that the old man has forgotten that he is heartbroken and depressed.
People smell speech is another surprise. Are there too many geniuses these days?
Shen Ce and Chasing the Moon are both talented in their seventeen years, and they are both top masters of the Emperor’s Spirit Division. Look at themselves again, and suddenly the square laments that people are more popular than people!
At that time, the square was silent, watching the two young geniuses secretly compete and guessing who was better!
Shen Ce is dancing in red, like the flowers on the other side of the Forget River are gorgeous and unpredictable.
Qin’s flame and white clothes are better than snow, and it is as noble and holy as Levin in the clouds.
They seem to be one evil, one right and one god and one magic, and they are so unattainable.
Suddenly, Shen Ce’s face turned pale, and he took a step back to stabilize himself. He looked up at the opposite Qin flame, narrow and narrow peach blossom eyes, and it was cold, and all his clothes passed by.
Everyone calls the young genius amazing. The dark temple has lost?
Then listen to "click" a crunchy see qin flame face mask broke into two and a half off to show shulang jade surface.
Full and white forehead, such as far away, blue mountains, eyebrows and eyes, exquisite facial features, like a fairy painting, elegant and noble, and like the end of the blue sea, Ran Ran rises and the moon rises
Shen Ce’s publicity of evil and charm of beauty is a noble, holy and beautiful thing, which is amazing but dare not profane.
The lip smile is elegant and charming, but there is a trace of indifference and alienation in that charming smile, which is close at hand but seems to be far away
Everyone was amazed and forgot to despise him. As he said, he was so handsome and beautiful. No wonder his mother gave him a mask. Even men will be moved when they see it, let alone women.
Sure enough, some girls present were all blushing and obsequious after seeing the true appearance of Qin Flame.
63 Chapter 63 Formal (7)
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It is normal for all the girls here to have a good dream in their hearts.
Although Roth was amazed by the appearance of Qin flame, he didn’t show his love as other girls did. He took a light look at Qin flame and looked back and fell on the red shadow beside him.
Beautiful bright eyes gradually show lingering affection.
"Ha ha ….. two people are quite old and powerful. This contest is a tie." Yunfu Dust laughed.
All this just came to my mind. The contest really didn’t tell the winner. Although Shen Ce took a step backwards and seemed to lose, the Qin flame mask was destroyed by him, which was not a loss.
So it’s a draw.
"Let’s call it a day, you two. I’m afraid you won’t be able to go to this alchemy meeting again." Yunfu Dust saw the atmosphere dignified and broke the deadlock again.
"I’m sorry for the delay in the pursuit of the moon at the alchemy conference, but I hope the owner of Yunta and everyone will not take it amiss." Qin Flame said that he was courteous and courteous.
Everyone’s affection for Qin flame suddenly rose, and his talent was extraordinary, and his strength was profound. He was also an alchemist, but he didn’t see that he was half proud or did not despise others, but he was warm and friendly
HongQin looked at qin flame looks dissatisfied muttered "uber! It’s no wonder that my stupid apprentice is fascinated. "
Long Qingyue’s eyes lit up and saw XuanYuanRe snow’s eyes touching and looking at Qin flame. The eyes were full of determination. Long Qingyue suddenly felt uncomfortable in her heart. How dare ya covet her man?
Lip angle gently sip raise a beautiful little smile Long Qingyue walked beside Qin Flame holding his arm and looked sad and distressed. "What should I do if I send you a mask after chasing the moon?"
Qin Flame lowered her eyes and looked at her face. She still looked noble and holy, but she didn’t have the indifference and alienation, but she was gentle and spoiled. She stretched out her hand and took hold of her waist. "It’s okay. Just make another one and send me."
When everyone heard the news, they looked at Long Qingyue with horror. What mask did he send?
Isn’t he a man? But Qin Flame said that the mask was from his mother …
At that time, everyone was in a mess in the wind …
XuanYuanRe snow eyes a dark look to Long Qingyue eyes have a trace of disgust flashed like dragonfly water soon disappear.
Others don’t know that Long Qingyue is a woman, but she knows that Xuanyuan Re Xue hates her teeth at the moment. This evil point is to deliberately provoke her!
"Chasing the Moon heard that this Jade Emperor is a pair of dragon and phoenix double swords. If you win it, will you give me the phoenix sword?" Iron if snow eyes such as colchicine smile affectionately looking at qin flame face hanging elegant charming little smile.
The white skirt is dancing like a beautiful thing in the nine days.
As the name implies, the dragon and phoenix double swords are a pair of spiritual swords. Men and women who get the dragon and phoenix double swords are naturally referred to as a pair of Xuanyuan Rexue. At this time, these words are naturally telling Qin Flame that she likes him.
If a clever person can understand it.
When people hear XuanYuanRe snow, they are all amazed, envious, amazed and jealous. All kinds of expressions are wonderful together.
Amazing nature is Xuanyuan Rexue’s courage to directly confess to Qin Flame in front of so many people. Although the words have been very tactfully, this bold act still shocked many people.
64 Chapter 64 Formal ()
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Envy nature is that those teenagers envy Qin flame and they will get the favor of Xuanyuan talented girls as soon as they come.
Jealous nature is that those girls hate to grind their teeth and wring their sleeves and hate to be beaten by XuanYuanRe snow!
Qin Huoyan didn’t answer as if he didn’t hear it. He looked at Long Qingyue and asked, "Do you want the evil dragon and phoenix swords?"
Long Qingyue’s lovely eyes blinked. "This is the world’s double Jade Emperor. Of course I want it. It’s a pity that I can’t get it with my Dan technique."

Ma Yun summoned his generals to move the water after six armies, with a total of 70,000 people, including 20,000 water troops led by Lin Renzhao, taking Ezhou 6 Road directly, and Ma Yun led by Cao Yun, the second army, Qian Qing Division, Zhu Yuan, the fourth army, Shen Tu, and Ding Sijin, the first army, Cao Bin Division, and the Guards Zhou Xingfeng Division, with a total of 40,000 people. The flag of Chu Army refers to Jiangnan in the east and is once again caught in a war.

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Chapter 9 indictment
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In early February of Ganyou’s second year, Ma Yun was polished by Xu Zhongya, Fan Zhi and others for a long time in Changsha. The imperial edict officially turned against Li Tang and severely criticized Li Tang’s four major crimes.
First, the translation of "Stupid Erhuaidian dares to call himself a fake name according to one party who stole from a big country" means that you, stupid Huainan, dare to resist the fact that one party stole from the imperial court. This is a typical fact that pot calling the kettle black Li Jing became emperor, but you, Ma Yun, are not much better. I am long live, aren’t you still chitose? It’s two thousand years less than me. Besides, you haven’t seen an acre of land in Chu. How do you listen to the Central Plains court?
The second "Tang (later Tang), In the Jin Dynasty, the sea around the world was not peaceful, but it was not peaceful, and it was recruited to help the wicked and the wicked. According to Anlu, he rebelled against the river, and his master and disciples came to help him. This means that a while ago, it was said that you were idle and looking for trouble from the court. The enemies of the court were all your friends in Li Tang. Who do you want to help when the court was eaten by dogs? When the Jin Dynasty was over, Anzhou (Anlu) made an order to the great emperor Shi Jingtang not to point to the people of Anzhou who did not want to go elsewhere after work. "You are a brick After Shi Jingtang repeatedly reprimanded Kim Lee Li, the little girl turned against Li Tang, and Li Bian, who was in power at that time, also sent someone to meet the result. Jin Jun and * * had a big fight in Anzhou, which belonged to Lai Li Tang, but he wanted to help, but he had the heart, no soldiers, no money and no money.
Third, "Forcing Fujian and Vietnam to draw the Khitan into the border and luring them into the border" is an accusation that Li Tang attacked Fujian, wuyue and Lingnan to draw the Khitan into the border. These are all facts. "Luring the Khitan into the border" means that more than ten years ago, the Khitan sent messengers to Jinling to greet Li Bian, and just after he left the Li Tang border, Li Bian sent someone to kill him. It was also rumored that Shi Jingtang was dissatisfied with the Khitans and deliberately engaged in Khitan and the Jin Dynasty gradually became nervous. This means that last year’s big money led to an increase in the quotation.
As soon as this imperial edict was issued, Chu himself was step by step, and there was no reflection.
Bianjing Liu Chengyou Wang Zhang, Shi Hongzhao, Guo Wei and others have nothing to reflect. First, the three-way rebellion has been fought until now, except that Jingchong Wang was killed by Guo Rong. The other two roads are still alive. It is reasonable to say that the strength of the Han army is not enough to fight for a year, but it is Guo Wei’s strategy. Now that Liu Zhiyuan has hung up Liu Chengyou, Guo Wei wants to establish more prestige in the army. His heart may not be like replacing it. But this year, after all, the more military forces in his hands, the more secure they are. If Li Shouzhen doesn’t die for a day, the military forces will be in his hands, and he can be gracious. Wei bought people’s hearts, so the battle in the river turned into a war for food. See who eats the food first and who can’t consume it first. Obviously, Li Shouzhen is alone in a city because of his weakness. His food will be reduced and will never increase, and he is trapped in Chang’ an Zhao Siwan, which is even worse than Li Shouzhen. His food has been reduced, and it has long been impossible for him to see the bottom. But this man is an unrestrained man. Without food, he still dares to feast on military generals and soldiers. What is the treat? People in Chang’ an city! This Zhao Siwan likes cannibalism very much. He invented that "cannibalism has two major advantages: one is longevity; Second, you can become very courageous.
And Li Tang knew that it was already mid-February when he got this imperial edict. Ma Yun, together with the Sixth Army and the Water Army, was madly attacking Ezhou, Ezhou and Wuchang, and Zang Xun sent fast horses to Jinling for help.
Li Jing saw this crusade against imperial edicts, and the literati couldn’t help cursing. The first two of these four major charges have nothing to do with you. Liu Chengyou in Bianjing City doesn’t care what big-tailed wolves you ran after; In the third article, I sent someone to fight Fujian and Lingnan, but you didn’t fight? You have occupied Lingnan and Quanzhou and Zhangzhou, and our Datang has been busy for a long time, not to mention eating meat and not even drinking soup! How dare you talk about me! The last thing has come to this, but it is really clear or shirking responsibility. Song Qiqiu and others agree that the main distance of this skyrocketing price is that these guys in Chu have converged copper coins in advance and then made counterfeit coins. Where did they make counterfeit coins? Song Qiqiu saved them.
After being annoyed for a while, Li Jing finally asked, "Who is willing to send troops to fight against Chu?"
When he ascended the throne, he glanced at Chen Jue with a bitter face. He was not willing to send troops. What? More than a year ago, Cha Wenhui attacked Yingzhou with ten thousand troops, and as a result, the army was wiped out. This Chu State is not easy to provoke. Besides, now * * is not a year ago * * compared with the loss of 10,000 in Huaibei and 10,000 in Yingzhou, plus the loss of 40,000 military forces in Fujian, all of which have lost 20,000 yuan. Now, there are no more soldiers in the imperial army. It is difficult to take these eggs, which have just been recruited for less than a year, to fight against opponents.
"I have a candidate," said Song Qiqiu Shen.
"Oh, Song Aiqing, hurry up," Li Jing urged Chen Jiao’s face suddenly turned white, for fear that Song Qiqiu recommended himself.
"I recommend Li Jin, the town naval commander, to go out!" Song Qiqiu, after all, is an old minister. He still has an objective understanding of the people in the imperial court. In times of crisis, he can’t play with Chen Jue. Even if he can fight, he is much worse than Kim Lee Li. This Kim Lee Li is a veteran. He was a Tuyuhun who followed Tang Zong in the war. Later, due to some misunderstandings, he was forced to take refuge in Li Tang, who has been taking our time in Runzhou.
"I seconded" Chen Jue hurriedly jumped out and said.
Although all the ministers said so, according to Li Jingtong, there was a marshal and a prison army, so the glorious title of the prison army fell to Chen Juetou. Chen Juenai was able to transfer troops from China while waiting for Kim Lee’s arrival. Unfortunately, it was Kim Lee’s death after two days. The old general was already dying, and he just hung up after receiving Li Jingsheng’s decree.
Li Jingnai was able to order his younger brother, Marshal Li Jingsui, to lead 100,000 troops from Hongzhou to Ezhou for rescue, and another general, Zhou Zuo, led 30,000 water troops across the river to come to the rescue. At the beginning of March, Li Jingsui led 100,000 troops to Yongxing County, 12o miles southeast of Ezhou. At this time, Ezhou had fallen, and Zhu Yuan, Shen Tu Congjian, Cao Bin, Qian Qing and others also arrived in Xing.
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Chapter 99 Disrupted plan
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Why didn’t the Chu army choose to send troops from Ganzhou instead of from Yuezhou to attack Ezhou?
The main reason is that Ma Yun’s strategic policy is to lure Li * *’ s main force to a decisive battle and completely defeat them, so that they will be fortified everywhere, thus greatly delaying the progress of the Chu army? ? ?
The explosion of the Chu-Tang War had a profound impact on the whole day. If Chu wins the first world war, the whole south of the Yangtze River will soon be unified. Although Chu is now a vassal of the Great Han Dynasty, it is uncertain whether it will be willing to be in front of the vassal. Even if it is still willing to be a vassal, the threat of a unified south to the Central Plains will be much stronger than it is now, and the pattern of confrontation between the north and the south will be formed.
The Great Han Dynasty in the Central Plains hasn’t made a statement yet. That’s because there is something wrong with its own department. Li Shouzhen rebelled. They never used it to unify the trend of Jiangnan when Chu appeared. It’s hard to say that Guo Wei and others will not continue to compare food with Li Shouzhen.
Therefore, there is only one way for Chu to go, that is, to make the whole war situation prosperous in the ear. To achieve this goal, there is only one way, that is, to attract Li Tang’s main force together. Of course, to contain the Great Han Dynasty in the Central Plains, Liu Yi, the envoy of Chu, has embarked on the road of going to Qidan to persuade Qidan South Central Plains to threaten the northern part of the Han Dynasty.
Ma Yun, the decoy site, is now in Ezhou (now Wuhan), an important town on the western line of Li Tang. It guards the Yangtze River moat with Jiangzhou behind it. Since ancient times, Li Tang has been a battleground for the prevention of Ezhou. If Ezhou loses its Chu army, it can easily cross the river and attack Huainan, the most prosperous place in Li Tang. This is what Li Tang can’t stand. Once the Chu army surrounds Ezhou, it can surround it and let Li Tang troops come to rescue and eat them one by one.
According to this strategic assumption, Ma Yun personally led Zhou Xingfeng Division and Qian Qing Division to send troops from Changsha to Yuezhou to attack Ezhou from the downtown. Zhu Yuan, the second army commander, led Shentu Congjian Division and Cao Bin Division to attack Ezhou from Anzhou on the downtown. Lin Renzhao, the commander of the first water army, led the water army from Yuezhou to Shunjiang and attacked Ezhou.
When the army first arrived in Ezhou City, Zang Xun, our time commander in Wuchang, was scared to death and quickly sent someone to fly a chapter to ask for help. However, although the Li Tang government was very wary of Chu, quite a few people, including Song Qiqiu and Chen Jue, recognized that Chu would have to wait a few days to send troops, but their judgment was based on one thing: the soldiers in Chu had been fighting for years in recent years, and the soldiers were exhausted; Second, the fertile land and population of Chu are at a disadvantage compared with Li Tang, and it has been fighting in the national treasury for years. This war is not only about more people, but also about the comprehensive strength of the two countries. Chu does not have so much money and food to fight; The third Chu army has always been a good soldier. Lingnan New Plus has regained the territory of Jiaozhou. The second and fifth armies of Chu army have to focus on the control place and there is not much spare capacity to go out.
These three points are not unreasonable. Unfortunately, Ma Yun, a traveler, can’t remember the specific historical events clearly, but he knows the general trend of history quite well. After the establishment of the Great Han Dynasty in a few days, Guo Wei, Guo Rong and post-Zhao Kuangyin are not easy to deal with. If you occupy the present acre of land in Chu, you will lose doubt. It is not only Ma Yun who knows his hand, but Zhao Pu also sees this.
In September last year, Ma Yun called a senior official to discuss the matter of the Eastern Expedition. Some people once objected that we should pay more attention to treating the people too frequently. It was not too late to go to Li Tang in two or three years. At that time, Zhao Pu strongly opposed this view from the aspects of people’s hearts and national strength. But there was a saying that really touched Ma Yun, "If we lose the opportunity, the army will rely on this Jingnan and Lingnan to confront the Central Plains occasionally, but once it fails, like us, ministers may still have a way out, and the king controls more than 9o States."
Ma Yunmeng wakes up that his territory is too big, even if he surrenders, he will certainly be unpopular, like Nanping Wang. However, after the surrender of the three-state territory, the court will certainly not be too worried, but he has controlled nearly 1oo state by himself. What good is it to know that the whole day is only 4oo states, which account for a full quarter of himself? This is to surrender and there is no way to surrender.
So Ma Yun stood firm. He didn’t mobilize the Second Army and the Fifth Army, which fought a big war last year. Instead, Ma took 40,000 troops from the rest of the three armed forces after more than two years’ rest. Plus the Dongting Lake Water Army surrounded Ezhou.
Originally, it was a siege, but after more than half a month, I saw that Li Tang’s main force was in Li Jingsui, the king of Qi. Chen Jue, the Tang Dynasty envoy, led a mighty army across Hongzhou (Nanchang) and arrived in Ezhou in three or four days. Zang Xun, the supreme governor of Ezhou Wuchang, actually surrendered. This Ezhou was due to Shuicheng and traffic. As soon as the news of Zang Xun’s surrender was broadcast, Li Jingsui stopped the army in Xing, which was a special place. The south side of Xingcheng is rich in water and the east of the Yangtze River flows into the Yangtze River. The source of the rich water river is the steep terrain of Mubu Mountain. Li Jingsui sent his teeth to Tian Heng. Our own army stationed in Xingcheng will deploy troops along the Fushui River, which is not wide, but the water is extremely fast and the water is very strong. If there is no pontoon bridge to cross the river barefoot, it will definitely not work.
In this way, the 100,000 troops have taken this 50-odd-mile rich river to attack Xingcheng. This Xingcheng is very small, but the walls are very tall. Although many people are small, it is difficult to attack their own troops. No matter how many people are small, it is not necessary to attack the rich river. This pontoon bridge is not easy to build and there is no big ship. The navy of the Jiuqu Yangtze River is unfamiliar with the river, and it is not helpful to measure it for a while.
Chujun had to stop in Xingcheng.
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Chapter 1 Yangtze River Water Potential Map
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Chapter 1oo Yangtze River Water Potential Map

The actual cross-country is very clear. The longer Uzumaki Kushina stays in suspended animation, even if the four generations of Huoying can well protect Uzumaki Kushina from suspended animation, Uzumaki Kushina’s physical function is also delayed and gradually decreased with suspended animation. The abnormal physical condition of Uzumaki Kushina people with whirlpool is even better.

If Uzumaki Kushina is an ordinary Nara clan like before cross-country, it is estimated that Uzumaki Kushina will become an ordinary person even if he faked his death for so long, let alone practice chakra, so it is impossible to run faster. In order to avoid unexpected situations, it is necessary to leave the war water country and go to the fourth generation of Huoying to prepare for the resurrection of Uzumaki Kushina.
The second point is that the reason why cross-country is in a hurry to leave the water country is that the duration of the war is simply as long as the French imagination.
It is true that Terumi Mei’s strategy is very good, encroaching on the territory of the water country and occupying a country’s language a little bit. When Terumi Mei’s strategy is successful, it is equivalent to the whole country’s enemy with less and less war materials in the village. Terumi Mei’s "revolutionary army" may invade the village without bloodshed.
Because it was only half a year ago, Mr. Ban’s control of Shui Ying’s loss of position has been reduced to freezing point
Those ninjas who followed Banye or Shui Ying Wuren Village already had a rebellious mind, but the "revolutionary army" still didn’t have enough advantages. Banye was still able to suppress these "blood fog" periods by virtue of Shui Ying’s majesty, and it was already turned into a killing machine.
However, Terumi Mei’s strategy is good, but is it possible to slowly encroach on the territory of the water country in a short time?
Don’t say no, just say a little!
If cross-country is to lead Ninja troops from other countries to capture the territory of the water country, it would be nice for him to manage the war. Fighting a town is a town and solving a city is a city. There is no need to think too much, but now leading the "revolutionary army", what cross-country needs to do is to start managing the people’s livelihood in the captured town after getting rid of the enemy, so that residents inside can live a stable life.
Moreover, war consumes materials to support those civilians who have just left the war, and it needs more materials.
If the cross-country is really quick in half a year, the whole water country will be solved.
If it weren’t for so many things that need to be considered, it would slowly encroach on the territory of the water country.
It is also because of this that it will take several years for the Terumi Mei strategy to be completed perfectly.
And how can cross-country drag in the water country for a whole few years?
That way, if we don’t talk about the resurrection of Uzumaki Kushina, we will say that the rest of the things that cross-country has to deal with may not be completed
The third point, the most dangerous thing in cross-country feeling is the study of Ban Ye.
If cross-country really drags on in the water country for a whole few years, how far can the research of Banye go?
Is it possible to develop a new black technology?
Is it possible?
Master ban has been resurrected in the realm of forbearance?
It is said that cross-country is really ready to leave Shuiguo muddy water for a while, first assassinate Banye to control Shui Ying, then take Kimimaro away from Wuren Village, first resurrect Uzumaki Kushina, and then prepare to take a long-term view of the rest of the things. As a result, when Terumi Mei is still thinking about staying cross-country and trying to persuade cross-country that there is no need to be radical and want to assassinate Shui Ying, he finds that cross-country determination has been set, Terumi Mei said with a deep breath.
"Shadow Master, it seems that you have really decided?"
"Well, it’s really decided."
Cross-country nodded and smiled. "Besides, after the assassination of Shuiying, we may not have a chance to meet again. Terumi Mei hopes that when we meet again, you will already be Wuren Village. Shui Ying can justify the rule of Wuren. There is no need to be like this."
"Well, I also hope to meet you as Shui Ying when we meet next time, and"
"Recruit you!"
Terumi Mei smiled at the cross-country and made a joke. Then he suddenly remembered one thing and turned to the cross-country road. "By the way, Master Shadow, since you want to assassinate Shui Ying, there is someone you must meet. Speaking of which, when I first met that guy, I didn’t expect that guy was so down and out in the water country that he needed to meet some assassinations of civilians to make a living."
"Shadow Master, since you are so powerful, can you guess who this down-and-out guy is?"
Listening to Terumi Mei’s questioning, cross-country consciousness is ready to shake his head
But I suddenly recalled that the future fate of Hakuto’s original works coincided with the fact that I was going to assassinate Shui Ying. Cross-country is to gently pick my eyebrows and ask.
"You said down and out guy"
"Is it that ghost people will never cut again?"
Chapter 63 Assassination of Shui Ying
Is it possible for a strong ninja to be down and out?
Anyway, I haven’t seen it before cross-country, but now I have.
In Terumi Mei, I arranged to ask about the assassination of Shui Ying again. For the first time, I said that what the ghost people saw when they met again was the two images in the original book of Huo Ying.
Wearing rags, my eyes are full of fatigue and skinny, just like I just got out of the desert!
Cross-country, it’s hard to imagine that ninjas can mix so badly.
What’s worse, a powerful ninja like this needs a few robberies to get rich. Is it really necessary to make himself so depressed that even ordinary people have to take the pitiful reward for revenge?
However, cross-country people don’t know that they will always be a man of integrity if they don’t cut again.
Take people’s money to eliminate disasters for others
No matter whether it’s in the water country or in the original book of Naruto, it’s a ninja principle. Otherwise, it’s like the original book of Naruto. Kado is the boss who wants to occupy the country of Poland. Isn’t it a piece of cake to stop cutting the famous black businessmen in the world and try to solve Kado’s guy?
However, in the original works of Huo Ying, we still adhere to our own principles.
Even if Cardo has been offended many times, he will not kill his employer if he doesn’t cut it again. He is willing to help Cardo become a vicious dog.
This shows that what is going on in the water country if you don’t cut it again?
To tell the truth, I heard that the reason for not being cut off from the world is a little admirable, but it is impossible to make cross-country so "moral integrity"
It’s always okay to rob some businessmen and thieves, right?
It can be said that except for the desert in the windy country, it is said that cross-country can be very good if it is thrown there.
But at this moment, if we don’t cut off the cross-country for the first time, it’s just a surprise. If we don’t cut off the poverty, we will directly get to the point and ask, "Do you know why I came to you?"
Don’t cut a cold smile and said, "Now I feel that most people want to buy Shui Ying intelligence, like me who can assassinate Shui Ying guys who want to believe it? Apart from Shui Ying’s information in my hand, Terumi Mei, if I am willing to join your "revolutionary army", will you believe me? "
"if you join our" revolutionary army ",I am naturally willing."


The third volume I have sold my soul to the ghost zhaojie Zeus … conspiracy exhibition.
The third volume I have sold my soul to ghosts and gods] zhaojie Zeus … conspiracy exhibition
Zhaojie Zeus … Conspiracy Exhibition
"Call yourself a protoss?" Ordinary cabin old Kaiōshin barely open your eyes curious way
"They were also created by Gaia, but they sludge Gaia’s forced absorption of human beliefs on the planet, which led to Gaia’s gradual fall."
Old Kaiōshin’s chrysanthemum-like face wrinkled slightly. "If it’s like what you said, then this race is really too much to even let go of his mother … but I don’t think they can dominate Sun Wu. Although that guy is simple, the people around him are not stupid!"
Old Kaiōshin didn’t believe in himself, and zhaojie was not in a hurry. Instead, he asked, "Old Kaiōshin, what is my strength in your eyes?"
"You?" Old Kaiōshin looked at zhaojie’s eyes and flashed a light. "Your strength has been firmly in the position of the first legion in the universe, but I am afraid it is not as good as those who have almost realized the super three Saiyans."
Zhaojie smiled indifferently. "Thank you, old Kaiōshin. Why don’t you call a soldier to fight with me?"
"You said before that you came from another plane earth?" Also love to laugh obesity west king suddenly mouth way
"That’s right"
"Well, why don’t you let me have a sparerib meal with you?"
Next to the tall East Boundary King, looking at the slightly active body, zhaojie is king of the North Boundary. "Hey, do you think this earth has a small strength?"
"Since you are from the earth, you must not be weaker than ribs-rice, right?"
East boundary king hey hey say with smile "I think he is far less than ribs-rice! Although ribs-rice can’t beat the magic man Buou, it was even against Sun Wu that year! "
North Kaiō’s small eyes are going round and round. "So what about the East King?"
East boundary king frank way "no problem! What do you say I bet on ribs and rice to win! "
"Just bet on 100,000 king coins!"
When communicating with North Kaiō, zhaojie made himself more eloquent. He once showed some strength, which gave North Kaiō a certain confidence, so he chose to gamble with the East King.
Soon they came to a circular field of warfare. The whole field of warfare was made of special materials and could withstand strong bombardment. Kaiōshin and others stopped quietly in the viewing room.
The center of the warfare field is 1×1, and the delicate and emaciated zhaojie and the green skin ribs-rice are far away from each other.
The ribs-rice is tall and full of green skin and muscles. Wearing a white robe, it looks imposing. Before fighting, he looks puzzled and looks at Zhao Jiedao. "Are you sure you want to fight with me, young lady?" I’m not used to receiving force in combat. "
Zhaojie laughed. "No problem, even though you are the most powerful. If I can’t beat you, you will definitely give up."
The ribs-rice nodded at once. "In that case, here I am!"
Said the body in zhaojie pupil instantaneous disappear again has been less than one meter apart from zhaojie blow out!
He only lost three components of this punch. This man’s theory of human kindness, zhaojie, can never easily exert a powerful force on a’ woman’ no matter how he says it.
Zhaojie responded that a vine more than one meter thick had stood in front of two people.
"oh! ?” A kind of boundary king and Kaiōshin expressed surprise at the same time. A second ago, they had not seen this tentacle plant that looked like an octopus!
Ghost vine crashing broken green juice sputtering ribs-rice fist didn’t stop and continued to rush to zhaojie.
But before his fist reached zhaojie, his forehead was held back by an orange pistol.
Floating bomb!
Zhao Jie pulled the trigger and the ribs-rice head immediately leaned back like a sledgehammer wheel, and at the same time, the body flew in!

Frost asked anxiously.

Yanweifa Yaner felt a pain in his heart.
She gently put the box in front of the frost and hit it.
There is a piece of jade like Cang Xue in those days. This jade is an adult woman.
This is the source of inferno power.
Liu Shuang was glad to pick up the blood spirit. With him, the nine secluded floors sealed me and bead them.
"Shenjun, he asked me to ask you, are there ten layers to seal me?"
Liu Shuang pondered and shook his head. My Terran power source is arranged in three layers. Princess Cang Xue is my Eldar power source. It is necessary to reshape the law of heaven and earth after the seal.
Listening to the frost, Yan Yan suddenly bowed her head and shed tears.
When she looked up again, she was holding a dark dagger in her hand, and her eyes were purple and touching. "This is the source of strength of the nine deep and remote places, and Yan Weifa is its embodiment."
"The blood moon is dark now, if it weren’t for the skylight cave, the world would be deserted …
Yan Weifa’s soul leans on a stone face in the inferno of the underworld. You knew I would do this.
Lan Duan smiled across the street. "There are some things that must be done, aren’t there?"
Yan Weifa smiled and looked back at the sea of blood. "Can this place go out?"
Blue broken proudly smiled at the oncoming unknown creature and clenched his sword in his hand. "I don’t know about this, but it won’t be fun here."
"Ha-ha, let’s see who kills more!"
There are always some people in this world who bear the blame and do things that everyone can’t understand, shame or forgive.
No one understands that the world always sees the greatness of heroes, but how many people can watch what those criminals who have achieved heroes do?
Have you ever remembered a blue sword song, the Mohist scholar Yan Weifa?
Thirty years is like a dream. I hope to get a white head and never part.
After all, that person is just the most beautiful goddess in my heart.
Maybe many years later, the mainstream frost in the celestial world will commemorate those who died in some way like Ye Lingfeng. If one day, turn over the yellow scroll of history and break the silence for thousands of years, maybe someone will see Yan Er silently staring at the back at the end of that eternal life!
Zhao Ke Mao Hu Ying Wu Gou frost and snow silver saddle shines like a meteor.
Ten steps to kill a man, a thousand miles away, no action, no clothes to hide.
Before taking off his sword and knees, he told Zhu Hai to persuade Hou Ying.
Three cups of turrano and five mountains are dizzy and dizzy, and the mood is neon after ear fever.
Saving Zhao’s golden mallet Handan first shocked the two strong men of Qianqiu, Xianhe Daliangcheng.
Even if you die a chivalrous man, you will be ashamed of Shiying. Who can pavilion the white-headed Xuanjing?
Perhaps only in this way can poetry describe him!
The price of power
Hiding from the mask to the left for an instant, Li Kun followed him with a triumphant smile. Yes, it is not impossible to attack the mask in such a high-speed movement. However, according to Li Kun’s strength, he is really reluctant. In fact, he is not depressed. Li Kun is also very depressed. He wants to find the mask and force Raytheon’s mark. There is nothing wrong with it, but it is definitely not this time. Compared with Li Kun’s understanding for so many years, it is just a matter of understanding. Send the secret code, but this secret code is not complete. But he also knows that he got this incomplete secret code when he wiped out the corpse gate. However, there is no doubt that the ancient skill of refining the soul is wonderful. This incomplete secret code can make the corpse gate famous again in Dafeng Dynasty, and this incomplete ancient skill also makes Li Kun have a congenital deficiency. Today’s achievements are as good as those of talented brothers.
Sure enough, Li Kun fired six evil spirits behind the mask. In fact, two of them went towards the middle of the mask and the other four attacked the mask and dodged the way around, so that the mask could not hide, no matter what. Li Kun was already gathering his soul to prepare for a fatal blow to the mask.
However, just as the mask was hiding to the left and the fierce soul was about to hit the mask’s back, the mask seemed to have eyes behind it, and it was such a buffer that the mask’s escape route suddenly reversed and the mask quickly fled to the right forest.
"ah! Damn it! " Li Kun roared in the face of the sky and gave a non-human cry. The body was black and the gas broke away abruptly. It turned out that Li Kun had just condensed the soul force and was ready to take the mask alive. Without the mask, he actually escaped in reverse. If the condensed soul force does not disperse, it will do harm to the body, so there is no way to follow the footsteps of the mask.
"Don’t let me catch you" roars all my life, but I don’t know whether to threaten my mask or comfort myself.
On the other hand, at this moment, the mask is thankful for a lot of the blow. Although I avoided it skillfully, it was also in the face of people like Li Kun. Although I met several times, the mask probably analyzed Li Kun’s personality and weakness
It’s true that you’re cruel, but you’re also greedy. Who knows where it is? However, as soon as Li Kun heard the word Raytheon’s mark, he forgot everything. He did not hesitate to talk to himself about the ridiculous conditions. If I were to do it directly, I might be confident in my own strength. Of course, the mask is more inclined to Li Kun’s arrogance, but it is this that gives me a chance to escape.
Li Kun’s attack just now seems to be superficial, but he also forgot that unless it is a face-to-face attack, there will be flaws. Although his fierce soul is strange, he can also see clearly the weakness of the mask. Li Kun will never make a real trick in this pursuit war. It is easy to guess Li Kun’s attack means, and the gambling of the mask just now is just betting on Li Kun’s attack direction. It is precisely this mask that escaped.
Sitting on the ground, I was calm, and the solid nine-fold state was not stable. I just moved my blood in World War I, but I also had a new experience in carrying the mask of strength.
You know, since childhood, the mask has been smart and inherited from his father. Maybe his father left some means in front of his brother before! But at the end of the day, my father is still dead, and I can’t help thinking of my father’s face for a year! I was cheated for a year.
Thought of here, a strong hatred rose in the mask heart. For the first time since childhood, the mask has such a strong desire for strength.
"It’s not good to forget this." The mask patted his head and remembered the most important thing. Cang Xue was still at home and blamed the three unlucky ghosts. If they hadn’t foreseen it themselves, Li Kun wouldn’t have come to this damn place. You know, the former Li Kun was wrong about Cang Xue’s hand because he had scruples. He still wanted the Thor mark, but at the moment everyone was torn. He would definitely go back to Cang Xue’s hand.
Read here, fake face, solid feet, and nine-fold strength show that feet are born with wind, which is not for ordinary people.
Suddenly, there was a strong pain in the mask chest, and an unspeakable pain went deep into the bone marrow. "What’s going on?" Did you just get hurt? No, it wasn’t not hit, but how did it happen! Don’t suddenly think of a possible mask to quickly strip off your clothes, and a piece of black iron enters your hand. It really is this thing that is strange. "Why?" At this moment, the black iron of the mask hand seems to be trying to kill him. At this moment, the red is like a burning charcoal, emitting a strong red light, but the heat of the black iron body is not hot. Instead, it is a kind of inexplicable pain that tortures you. The strong pain quickly extends along the mask hand and tries to discard the black iron in your hand, but the black iron is stuck to the mask hand like a vampire.
Crisis mask to mobilize the body spirit force, hoping to make this black iron solid nine-fold force along the limbs and meridians have been integrated into the hand black iron, but when the body spirit force enters the black iron, the pain has not been alleviated, but it has become more and more obvious. At this moment, the original red black iron is even more red and ghostly, which makes people unable to face up to it, and the pain has escalated as if it came from the head.
"ah!" The intense pain made the mask cry, and the veins stood out suddenly on the forehead and the joints of pale hands proved that the mask was enduring inhuman pain at the moment.
Inhumane pain tortures this mask. It’s that the mask is precocious and more determined than ordinary people. But in the end, he is still a child. "No, I can’t stand it!" A painful wail, a mask, a crazy hand pounding on the ground, a heavy hand bleeding, but compared with physical pain, this pain is insignificant.
"Somebody help me" is like someone stabbing him with a needle in his head. The mask keeps shouting and rolling, but how can anyone come to this desolate forest?
No, I’m on my own. No one will help me. I’m on my own.
It is not unreasonable that people often say that it is not unreasonable to see the big from the small, although it is not necessarily good when you are young, but it is unusual to be a teenager. This is an advantage that you rely on your own efforts to gain advantages. You are not born to lose your face for many years. He has perseverance, not to mention that even adults of the same age are a little more difficult, and the masked mind is calmer. At this moment, the masked body is trying to cross its legs. Although the masked body is constantly shaking, it is still trying to stabilize its body. No matter what happens, there will be a solution and a cause. Then there must be a result,
There is nothing wrong with trying to feel the source of this physical pain. Since I was able to make great progress in my skill, there must be a reason why I was so talented that I was blessed with a land of virtue. That’s just a matter of children’s toys. Now that I got something first, I have to bear the price. Maybe some senior experts left these opportunities behind, but at the moment, it seems that I should not be like this. So what is worth spying on myself? By the way, since the source of this pain is hand-shaped iron, where is the painful result? I thought of it here and put on a mask to observe my body with severe pain
2. Strength comes with price
"Here is" when the mask saw clearly the focus of the pain, my heart suddenly became surprised. It turned out that the pain from that stone had gathered on my head.
The solid nine-fold mask doesn’t have the visual ability yet, but this doesn’t prevent it from analyzing and interpreting its own situation. All the pain has converged on its head, which proves that this black iron should be a spiritual force, or that this thing can directly attack people’s spirit or mind. Then when I tried to suppress him with a spiritual force just now, I would suffer more severe pain. It wasn’t that my spiritual force didn’t have the opposite, but my spiritual force played a role. However, for black iron, if there is no scruples and mistakes, this black iron should be a spiritual force that can be transformed into a spiritual attack. But now I don’t know what this kind of power has been put on myself, but in this case, there are still two doubts. First, this piece of black iron is like its own starting amount, and second, what will it be absorbed in its own hands?
Suddenly, I felt as if I had fallen into a huge trap.
"ah!" I don’t know what hand darksteel suddenly increased the mental attack on the mask when I screamed in pain.
"Yes, that’s right!" This attack made the mask feel bad, but at the same time, it also made the mask feel a little enlightened. Xuantie constantly destroyed his spirit, which meant that he could not stand the blow and lost consciousness. Then a strange idea was formed in the mask’s mind. Maybe this terrible idea that Xuantie wanted to seize his consciousness and regain his soul could not be waved away. It was to shape a body that could withstand it. Just now, in the confrontation with Li Kun, it was to let himself live.

Less than a few hours after we woke up, an awakened person came to us, because we didn’t know anything when we were in a coma.

And the awakened ones know that there are awakened ones here when they refresh here.
As we can see, these developments np and the first awakened ones don’t know that everything will be arranged closely during this period, as if they were afraid of any other troubles.
Of course, it is also possible that we don’t think so, but it probably feels like it.
The tables, chairs and hard seats were restored one by one, and people stopped talking. Their eyes became white and they went back to their seats in an orderly way.
In our eyes, it’s like zombies are being controlled by people, even if we do the position and someone else does it directly.
We have to give way and watch all this happen.
The zombie dogs, the big brown bear and our equipment have all been put away, because the whole world seems to be quiet.
We were there holding Lin Weiwei root, not long after the fight.
In a moment, "Boom!" The world has returned to its original appearance. Yes, it has returned to its original appearance and has been refreshed.
Joking, talking, jokes, and some noise.
It was refreshed back in a short time.
It seems that none of this has happened just now, and they will still go to their place of travel. Nothing has changed, but everything has changed.
At this moment, we saw the Ministry and knew what was going on. Otherwise, it was absolutely unbelievable, and the more Nai sighed, "It really is a unified game. If you don’t become an awakened person, you won’t know that you are controlled or np."
Most of the other women are shocked by this idea.
At this time, some workers came over and said, "The train is crowded, please find a seat quickly until it needs a little more."
I don’t know anything. I’m still that person. A real person.
We also nodded, and first found some empty places to sit together.
Zhu Yeqing also said, "The world is crazy. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe there would be such a track."
I said with a smile, "Don’t think about it. Let’s think about it now. Lin Weiwei has become our partner. There are already five people. There is also a crying girl. I don’t know her name. It’s hard to find it, but I can find it when I get back to school. But let’s meet here and meet these two awakened people. I feel that there is a problem that won’t end so easily. At least two hands are dead. The guild will send people to investigate. There must be a preparation."
Zhu Yeqing and Ning Xi repeatedly nodded and said, "Yes, so you mean the car will be found from here now."
This train has been away from Tang Cheng for some time, and it is moving forward. We will not die if we jump.
But the system has to be refreshed. We suddenly left
And let’s come. I think there must be something else. It’s definitely not the rescue of Ning Xi and the interception of Lin Weiwei. Otherwise, it’s not arranged like this.
I said, "Let’s try to do less things that are different from ordinary people, because even if they come to us, they are ordinary people, and even if the killer has a chance to escape, it is easy to reveal it now."
That’s very reasonable. They didn’t refute it. They just showed up after the refresh. No one knows we did it.
And I said, "We have finished the novice assistant and officially become a player. I got a hint when I fainted. That’s it. There should be some rewards and some other certification classes. Let’s check and check before we reach our destination. Make sure that even if something is strong first, we will not be afraid to go to the trouble to find the door."
If there is nothing to do when you arrive, just say that I think too much, then go back the same way and take the train back to Tang Cheng, and get rid of this matter completely without exposure.
They all went to check and started the system.
And I have a little indication here, and it seems to have been sent out long ago
"Player Zeng Xiaofan has successfully completed the novice deputy, and the official player can freely participate in the deputy and will be selected by the system to participate in the distribution deputy.
The overall score is recognized as’ Bronze Five-Star Warrior’, and the bronze level is limited.
Give away 5 points to destroy the corpse spirit and get 30% points. Official players can wear two epic equipment.
Give a formal player gift package outside. "
It’s fairly simple. There’s nothing special. It’s just that a full player can join other official pairs.
I don’t know what bronze five-star warrior is.
The original virtual score, I am a bronze Samsung, and what does this bronze five-star represent? I don’t care about other things. Let’s ask this question first, "What is the level of bronze five-star?"
Tong said, "In the system, players are evaluated in four grades: bronze, silver, gold and holy warriors."
Each level is divided into five-star bronze, one star goes to the bronze five-star, and after going to the silver one star, it lists the five-star holy warriors who reach the gold.
You will also get different restrictions. For example, a silver star warrior can form a guild and start a guild.
Yu is temporarily with the player when he is going high. "
very simple
It’s the rating that calms down your ability. My ability is bronze. I can form a guild at a high level with five stars, which is quite attractive.
Then I looked at other things to see what else could be. Now I can integrate this into a formal player, and the function is also needed to be well understood in case it is not needed.
Chapter 39 Another article
I said to him first, "Take out my physique and see if there is any change."
I got more than 15,000 points at second profit and rose to B+.I don’t know if there are any gains or benefits when I get to the official player.
System immediately listed out.
Physique b+
Physical strength b+
Minjie b+
Remote means
Close attack means high wind jumping, fatal blow, flashing blade.
Weapon tangdao
If the base has not changed, just say that I have risen too much, and the reward root will not increase much, but it was said at that time.
My promotion as a novice assistant will be suppressed.
At this moment, I am an official player, which should be stronger. It is good to hit those two senior awakens just now, saying that there is still appreciation.
Is it facing? It is my second epic equipment.
This is a good thing.
And my seven-star tangdao is actually a seven-star treasure knife dedicated by Cao Cao to Dong Zhuo, which is unexpected and really good, but my ability is low and I can’t play it out.
What to wear for another dress is really a problem. You can wear one more dress if you attend one more pair.
You can wear two now.
Lingbao boots and Guo Yi armor are all very good.

But one thing is that those who transport chaos are all born with the ability to be enhanced by the acquired method.

Even one of the four fierce beasts of chaos has only mastered a few chaotic abilities.
From birth to death, the root of chaotic power rises by a little bit.
It is a fable that unnatural people can master chaos.
No one has ever been able to master the power of chaos the day after tomorrow.
And people who try to master chaos often have no good field.
The only lucky exception is the ten great emperors of 15 elements today.
Although he didn’t master chaos, he mastered the law of five elements, from a bottom emperor to a ten-statue one.
However, from ancient times to modern times, only this special case ended in tragedy in other cases.
Now the eternal emperor has once again seen a new case, a case in which the acquired body has mastered the chaotic force!
Chapter 1113 The Great Yuan God
Looked at his left hand PangXia face sad and happy, as if everything had just been in his expectation.
In fact, Pang Xia didn’t know that there would be such a result before reacting just now.
In his opinion, it is very likely that he will be injured or blown out.
What happened just now was mysterious and mysterious, which happened to Pang Xia.
It’s like being forgotten can make Pang Xia remember it in a flash.
Slowly raise his right hand, Pang Xia looked at that palm of his right hand as if there was something worthy of his attention.
And at this time, five colors and five lines of light flashed in Pang Xia’s right palm and kept spinning and dancing.
Move your mind, and the five lights with different colors will collide and turn into a gray airflow in your palm.
With one hand and one grip, the gray airflow was squeezed away directly, and then Pang Xia’s mouth was slightly tilted.
The body is constantly circulating, and the five great source forces are now more and more integrated with the speed of circulation.
Among them, the mark belonging to the original emperor is almost no longer there.
In other words, these five great source forces are now completely owned by Pang Xia.
Moreover, the chaotic force created by the unity of the five elements has made Pang Xia’s strength and realm grow rapidly.
Looking up at the Eternal Emperor, Pang Xia smiled and said, "If I have a ten percent chance to beat you just now.
So now I have a 30% chance to beat you. It’s really wonderful. "
Floating on the ground, the eternal emperor looked at Pang Xia and his eyes narrowed slightly. "Arrogance!
Although there are not many races that can make use of chaos, it is definitely not rare.
Just the chaotic force should make you have such an illusion. It seems that you should know what the emperor is! "
A virtual image of a man in luxurious armor emerged behind the eternal emperor.
Pang Xia looked at the virtual image and found that its appearance was 50% to 60% similar to that of the eternal emperor
Obviously, the virtual image of the eternal emperor must have a lot to do with it
I have to say that Pang Xia’s guess is really correct.
Because the great majestic male virtual image is the law of gravity of the eternal emperor and the great god who unites the great god
It can also be said that the strongest state of a great emperor has the most intuitive power.
The yellow flame of the eternal emperor rose and spread directly to the emperor Yuan Shen behind him.
Blink of an eye, and the Great Yuan God will solidify.
And in the eternal emperor control waved toward PangXia took the past.
Seeing this, Pang Xia quickly retreated his hands, and the five elements of light flow merged in a flash, and the chaotic airflow surged out.
The first time to exert chaotic force, its power far exceeded Pang Xia’s expectation.
Chaotic gas turns into a huge whirlpool, which sends out an amazing pulling force, which is right on the palm of the emperor Yuan Shen.
See the emperor yuan god palm burning yellow flame crashing down in front of PangXia condensed chaotic airflow vortex.
"bang! Boom! "
Violent shocks spread from their relative positions.
The chaotic vortex constantly wears away the yellow flame of the palm of the emperor Yuan Shen.
And the yellow flame of the emperor Yuan Shen’s hand is constantly erupting to tear up the chaotic vortex.
In this way, the eternal emperor and Pang Xia were deadlocked.
However, Pang Xia still has some distance from the emperor level after all.
After a period of stalemate, Pang Xia condensed the chaotic vortex and finally lost to the yellow flame and was torn.
The chaotic airflow instantly forms a layer of protection around Pang Xia.
At the same time, the yellow flame fell on the protective layer formed by chaotic airflow and swallowed Pang Xia instantly.
The yellow flame is stirring everywhere, and the whole cave is constantly shaking, and more cracks are exposed.
Compared with the surface of Lien Chan Temple, it has caused cracks, which obviously has reached the limit.
Pang Xia stretched out his hand and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth on the broken stone stage that had already shown cracks.

The effect of the urgent March is that the 100,000-strong army consumes 2 points of mental energy per hour, and Huang Pusong can supplement 2 points of mental energy per hour by relying on the tactic of too clear concentration. The mental energy consumption and recovery are just the same, so that the soldiers can keep up with it.

Emperor Pu Song’s pro-commander pursued Zhou Wu with 100,000 troops, while Zhu Xi and Dong Zhuo pursued Qu Shuai, the fleeing Yellow Scarf Army, with 200,000 troops.
Lingyun Huang Pu Song Zuo Zhonglang is another student of Huang Pu Song. Naturally, Huang Pu Song stayed with Huang Pu Song all the way. This time, Huang Pu Song brought hundreds of troops, but after these wars, Zhao Feng’s military forces left 5,000 to wait until the end of the war to have a chance to add.
Lingyun personally felt the gap between Huang Pusong and himself all the way.
Lingyun is now a one-week counselor. The strength of an urgent March can increase the speed of the army by 5%. In the army, it will hardly feel any change.
However, Huang Pusong increased the marching speed of the army by 100%, although it was still not as fast as cavalry, but it was also very fast on the road.
If the cavalry is a motorcycle speed, the normal marching speed of the infantry is like that of ordinary people running, so the effect of Huang Pusong’s urgent marching is blessed. The army is like pedaling a bicycle.
One hundred thousand troops led by Huang Pusong have been marching towards the mountain country in a day and a night, and they have already traveled for hundreds of miles.
Urgent marching makes soldiers March at a high speed, but it will not increase the fatigue of soldiers. How much fatigue will soldiers have when marching normally is the same in urgent marching.
Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for soldiers to run at their highest speed for a day and a night.
Generally, when soldiers rush, they always give full play to their strength by about 70%.
In Huang Pusong, all the soldiers are running, and the speed of soldiers is 30% higher than normal. In Huang Pusong, the marching speed of this 100,000-strong army is almost 160% higher than that of ordinary troops.
One hundred thousand soldiers can have such a performance. In addition to exerting the effect of urgent marching, Huang Pusong also exerted a slow recovery on one hundred thousand soldiers.
Slow recovery-even soldiers can replenish their physical strength at high speed, not all of them are consumed.
In addition to slow recovery and urgent marching, Huang Pusong has been maintaining the third strategist skill all day and night-physical gain can temporarily increase soldiers’ physical fitness, and the higher their physical fitness, the longer their endurance.
Because of the release of the skills of these three military strategists, 100,000 troops rushed a hundred miles a day and a night, which was less than 50 miles away from Zhongshan State.
A day and a night’s journey can only be completed by ordinary troops in four days.
Although there are still several skills that can be put on the army marching road to improve the marching speed.
But Huang Pusong’s strength can also be to keep these three skills in the hundreds of thousands of troops.
Even after such a day and a night, Huang Pusong felt a little exhausted.
A total of 1000 points of spirit can be recovered every hour even if it is too clear. After one day and one night, Huang Pusong’s spirit is less than 100 points left.
The consumption of urgent marching is as high as 200 points per hour, and the two skills of slow recovery and physical gain together consume almost 50 points of spirit per hour.
If it is to release the effect of urgent marching, Huang Pu will definitely not feel tired, but after adding these two skills, Huang Pu Song is also a little overwhelmed.
The army stopped to rest and cook when it was less than 50 miles away from Zhongshan State.
Although Huang Pusong can still move forward after stopping the skills of three military divisions, he will certainly be more tired. If he encounters the ambush of the Yellow Scarf Army, the result will be disastrous.
One day and one night, there is no trace of the Yellow Scarf Army. Huang Pusong is very glad that he brought 100,000 troops. If the marching speed of 200,000 to 300,000 troops is slowed down, it will definitely make Zhou Wu escape and wait until the Han army withdraws and then come back to stir up trouble.
The day before the Yellow Scarf Army came to Zhongshan from Changshan County, it was better than the Han Army.
Now that Huang Pusong has marched for hundreds of miles a day and one night, he knows that the marching speed led by the Yellow Scarf Army in Zhou Wu is also very fast, and it is also less than 400 miles a day and one night.
Huang Pusong doesn’t believe that Zhou Wu can do his own thing and March a hundred miles a day and a night with more than 100,000 yellow turban insurrectionary troops.
Therefore, Huang Pusong is still confident to chase Zhou Wu before he escapes.
Chapter 75 Door Jin Suozhen
After an hour of cooking, the army resumed its journey. This time, Huang Pusong maintained the effect of an urgent March and also increased the speed of the army by 30%
In an hour, Huang Pusong’s spirit has now recovered to more than 300 points.
Ling Yunfeng dances. Several people are not very tired even if they March for a day and a night because they are riding horses.
It took less than two hours to increase the army by 30 percent, with a speed of less than 50 miles and a hundred thousand troops.
After the army came to Zhongshan, Huang Pusong asked Sun Yat-sen about the Yellow Scarf Army and learned that the Yellow Scarf Army had left northwest this morning. After that, Huang Pusong sent a team to catch up with himself and most of the military forces to take a break in Zhongshan.
In the past 1,500 miles to the northwest of Sun Yat-sen State, the Great Wall was built by the Qin Dynasty, and the city was vast and sparsely populated. Although it was still the territory of the Han Dynasty, the control of these places was very weak.
If the Yellow Scarf Army crosses the Great Wall, it will be like a fish entering the sea. Even if the Han army wants to catch up, it is difficult to find the trace of the Yellow Scarf Army on the vast grassland. Even if it takes a year, it may not be possible to meet the Yellow Scarf Army.
Have a rest in Zhongshan country for an afternoon. Emperor Pusong left for the northwest with his army before dark.
At noon, Huang Pusong’s spirit has returned to the highest speed again.